Traded Amount

In this lesson, we’ll explore how to use the “Traded Amount” setting to refine when and how you place your bets based on the amount of money already traded on a horse at your bet time. This can be particularly useful if you want to focus on horses with significant market activity.

Key Points:

  • 💰 Minimum and Maximum Traded Amount:
    • You can specify a range for the amount of money traded on a horse before placing a bet. For example, if you want to only bet on horses that have had at least £10,000 traded, simply enter “10000” in the Min field. If you only care about a maximum traded amount, leave the Min field blank and enter your desired value in the Max field.
  • 🕒 Time and Price Integration:
    This setting works in conjunction with other settings like price range and time window. For example, if you set a price range of 5 to 10, a time window of the last hour before the race, and a minimum traded amount of £10,000, the software will look for the first moment within that hour when the horse trades within your price range and meets the £10,000 traded amount criteria.
  • 📊 Difference Between Traded Amount in Betting Rules and Horse Selection Rules:
    • Horse Selection Rules: The traded amount rule here looks at the final traded amount at the end of the race, which can be useful for analyzing past races but isn’t directly relevant to your live trading strategy.
    • Betting Rules: This option tracks the amount traded throughout the life of the current market, allowing you to combine it with other entry conditions to decide precisely when to place your bets and at what price. In other words, it’s the traded amount at the time you place your bet.

This setting gives you more control over your trading decisions, ensuring that you’re entering the market only when the conditions, including market activity, meet your strategy’s criteria.